Mandatory Training Limitations!!!
No mandatory training bill by itself or as a part of a larger bill should be considered unless it contains all twelve of the safeguards listed below and incorporated into the law at the same time. We do this because of all the past abuses and inconsistencies statewide and to prevent future abuses by handgun licensing agents in New York.
  Any mandatory training requirement should be in LAW and CLEARLY state that SAFETY ONLY is the subject and NOT proficiency.
  A license SHALL be issued or denied to any person completing the course within 60 days of filing an application.
  The issuing agent may impose NO conditions, limitations, restrictions or qualifications on the license or licensee other than those in state law.
  By law any forms or materials required for the successful completion of the course shall be provided by the issuing agent at no cost to the student or instructor.
  A clear statement shall be incorporated into law limiting the total amount of the course to ten dollars or less.
  The courses must be made available seven days a week and MUST include evening hours for those that work during the day or weekends.
  By law the course shall not exceed three hours of safety instruction or general instruction.
  By law any N.R.A. Certified Instructor shall be deemed to have the necessary credentials to sign off on the course.
  By law the State shall indemnify any and all individuals involved in the program, instructors as well as students.
  By law the lack of adequate facilities shall not be grounds for denial of a Certificate of Completion.
  Military personnel and former military personnel who have had firearms training and those who have current NYS hunting licenses would be exempt.
  Once the above conditions have been met the license will be valid statewide, including New York City.

January 2012